Durrës County is one of the 12 counties of Albania. The population at the 2011 census was 262,785, in an area of 766 km².Its capital is the city Durrës.
Administrative divisions
Until 2000, Durrës County was subdivided into two districts: Durrës, and Krujë. As of 2014, it consists of the following 16 municipalities:
Bubq Çudhi Durrës Fushë-Krujë Gjepalaj Ishëm
Katund i Ri Kodër-Thumanë Krujë Maminas Manëz Nikël
Rrashbull Shijak Sukth Xhafzotaj
The following villages are situated in the county:
Adriatik - Arapaj - Armath - Arrameras 1 - Arrameras 2 - Barkanesh - Bilaj - Bilalas - Bisht Kamëz - Bizë - Bodinak - Borake - Borç - Borizanë - Bozanxhije - Brret Bruz- Zall - Bruz Mal Bubq - Budull - Buran - Bushnesh - Çizmeli - Cudhi - Cudhi Zall - Cudhi - Kant - Derven - Derven Kodër - Draç - Dukagjin i Ri - Eminas i Vogël - Erzen - Fllakë Fshat - Manëz - Gjepalaj - Gjuricaj - Gramëz - Guzaj - Halil - Hamallaj - Hardhishtë - Hasan - Hidrovori - Ishëm - Jubë - Kameras - Kapidanaj - Karpen - Karreç - Katundi i ri - Kënetë - Kërtushaj Kodër-Thumanë - Koxhas - Kroi Madh - Kullë - Kuraten - Kurcaj - Lalëz - Larushk 1 - Larushk 2 - Likesh - Likmetaj - Luz 1 - Luz 2 - Mafsheq - Mallkuç - Maminas - Manëz - Manskuri - Mazhë e Madhe - Mazhë e Vogël - Metallë - Miliska - Mukaj - Murqinë - Nikël - Nojë - Perlat - Picërragë - Pjezë - Qerekë - Qerret - Radë - Rinas - Rinia - Romanat - Rranxë - Rrashbull - Rreth - Rubjek - Rushkull - Sallmone - Shahinaj - Shënavlash - Shetaj - Shetël - Shkallë - Shkallnur - Shkretë - Shqezë - Shtrazë - Sukth - Sukth - Vendas - Tapizë - Thumanë - Vadardhë - Virjon - Vlashaj - Vllazërimi - Xhafzotaj - Zallë - Zezë - Zgërdhesh
According to the last national census from 2011 this county has 262,785 inhabitants. Ethnic groups in the county include:
Albanians = 204,483 (77.81%)
Greeks = 476 (0.18%)
Macedonians = 189 (0.07%)
Montenegrins = 12 (0.00%)
Aromanians = 129 (0.05%)
Romani = 940 (0.36%)
Egyptians = 45 (0.02%)
Others = 755 (0.29%)
No answer = 55,756 (21.22%)
The city of Durrës remains a major seaport and commercial centre, with a significant fishing and industrial sector.
Durrës County has grown in importance in agriculture with very large-scale planting of olive and fruit trees, and the city has become center of the food processing and oil export industries.
Tourism has become a major industry in recent years, with many hotels, recreational centers, and vast beaches.